NAVS members plan their professional activities to enhance their knowledge or acquire skills and these activities are formal and informal.

A wide range of professional activities qualify as relevant for continuing professional education and development, and a  system of planning activity is based on a personal assessment of the need for improvement in certain topics and skills and it is each member’s decision which activity he will undertake.

Below are a few examples of formal and informal professional activities that can serve as a guide for planning of annual activities.

NAVS recognizes that there are other relevant learning methods.

NAVS members have to complete 20 hours / credits of professional activity for one calendar year, out of which a maximum of 5 hours / credits can be spent on Informal forms of activity.

NAVS member can attend professional activities that are organized by NAVS or by other organization / institution.

Examples of formal and informal professional activities :

Examples of formal and informal professional activities :

*For all completed activities it is necessary to provide evidence in the form of Confirmation, Certificate, Diploma which explicitly states the amount of credits / hours for continuing professional education.

credits / hour which count for the activity

An activity that qualifies for the purpose of continuing professional education and development



Professional courses, seminars and conferences (with clear themes and objectives in terms of acquiring knowledge in the field of valuation for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS, with the available material that supports the above, if needed)


credits/hours are calculated by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours.

Structured interactive seminars where there are clear objectives of expanding knowledge in the chosen field of valuation for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS, such as on-line webinar with professional theme with a final test (choice answers below)


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours.

Professional workshops with specific and detailed examples of valuation ( field for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS)


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours..

Active work in NAVS management bodies, expert commissions and committees for professional issues in the valuation profession, where there are a clear and specific results, such as work in the Educational committee on educational material for the training of valuers, etc.o


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours

Active work in expert commissions and committees for professional issues in the valuation profession within other organizations or institutions, where there are a clear and specific results


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours.

Attending academic programs that have a clear connection with the valuation ( valuation field for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS)


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours..

Participation in round tables and expert discussions on the topic associated with the valuation ( valuation field for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS)


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours

Published papers, books, articles in professional journals


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours.

Translation of professional literature and standards in the valuation field for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS


credits /hours accrued by the organizer of professional activities.

NAVS Commission for continuous professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours

Example of calculation of hours for informal type of professional activities


Only publications that are in the field of valuation for which a member is accredited and/or for which he has obtained internationally recognized professional designation issued by NAVS, are relevant.

One page published in a professional journal with the standard (single-space) spacing between rows can be calculated as (two) 2 points or 2 hours for the purpose of continuing professional education and development.

For all the professional activities that are not organized by NAVS it is necessary to provide evidence in the form of Confirmation, Certificate, Diploma at which it is explicitly stated the amount of accrued credits / hours that will count for continuing professional education, guaranteed by the organizer of such professional activities. The duration of activity may not be equivalent to the number of hours / credits that are calculated for continuing professional education.

Often, one effective hour of professional activity is 45 minutes while in the marketing program of the organizer  of professional activity, it is stated as 1 hour.

In case that effective hour of certain professional activity lasts 50 minutes, it can be counted as 1 credit / hour for the purpose of calculation of continuing professional education.

Effective hour of professional activities which contains computational examples, such as expert workshops, where an hour lasts 50min, can be counted as 2 credits / hours for the purpose of calculation of continuing professional education.

When it comes to conferences, do not count the time between segments ie. coffee breaks and lunch.

NAVS Commission for continued professional education can disapprove of accrued credits / hours and give a final decision on the number of credits / hours.