Press conference

Press conference was held at the NAVS conference office on Monday 23.05.2016.

Theme of the conference was the recent reception of NAVS in iiBV membership.


konferencija za stampu 1From left to right: Vldislav Ilić, Ray Moran, Danijela Ilić, Vesna Stefanović, Zoran Stanić


NAVS was represented by the president Danijela Ilić FRICS, REV and iiBV was presented by Raymond Moran ASA, MRICS member of Board of Directors.

Apart from the aforementioned participation took Vesna Stefanović ASA, REV, ACC which became a member of the iiBV Board of Directors.

Link to video material is given below:



Among other things, emphasis was placed on the seminar of which is scheduled for 24.05.2016.od 16h at Metropol Palace Hotel with title “China: Inbound and outbound transactions” that will be presented by Ray Moran and Vladislav Ilić.

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