Apllication for REV

You can send your documentation till 01.04.2017.

For forms and other questions you can ask us on office@procenitelji.org.rs

Front page – TEGoVA European Valuer

In latest TEGoVA European Valuer number on front page is published an article about „Law on Real Estate Valuers“

The workshop Property Valuation & Investment – A Practical Approach

The workshop Property Valuation & Investment – A Practical Approach was held successfully at Hotel Metropol.

Delegates were from five country, and the general impression is outstanding.



WORKSHOP: Property Valuation & Investment – A Practical Approach


Application form for workshop  03. & 04.03.2017


Sign up fo Programme “Valuation of Machine, Plant and Equipment”




Apllication form

This educational course is organized in six module-days, including 36 classes in total, in the premises of the NAVS Center in Belgrade, Grčića Milenka Str. No.39, III floor. The lecturing language will be Serbian.

Sign up fo Programme “Real Estate Valuation”


Application Form

For all details, application procedure and payment instructions, please contact office@procenitelji.org.rs

IVSC launches new global standards for valuation profession



IVSC launches new global standards for valuation profession



London, 18 January 2017: The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), the global standard setter for valuation practice and the valuation profession, has launched IVS 2017, marking an important milestone towards harmonising valuation practice across the world.


IVS 2017 will serve as the key guidance for valuation professionals globally and will underpin consistency, transparency and confidence in valuations which are key to investment decisions as well as financial reporting.


The launch is the latest step in IVSC’s mission to raise standards of international valuation practice as a core part of the financial system, for the benefit of capital markets and the public interest.


The Standards have been created following an extensive consultation process from April to October 2016. More than 100 official comment letters on the initial drafts of IVS 2017 were received from a range of stakeholders, including valuation profession organisations, individual professionals and academics.


IVS 2017 comprises five General Standards and six Asset Standards. The General Standards set requirements for the conduct of all valuation assignments including establishing the terms of a valuation engagement, bases of value, valuation approaches and methods, and reporting.


The Asset Standards include requirements related to specific types of assets, including background information on the characteristics of each asset type that influence value and additional asset-specific requirements regarding common valuation approaches and methods used.


The latest version of the Standards bring greater depth to IVS, as was requested by members, including the major accountancy firms and other stakeholders.


Sir David Tweedie, Chairman of IVSC, said: “IVS 2017 represents the latest in IVSC’s continuing commitment to developing high-quality valuation standards.


“The valuation of assets, both tangible and intangible, plays an essential role in financial and real estate markets – and therefore the global economy. IVS 2017 will be instrumental in improving valuation practice and will bring greater efficiency to capital markets.”


Nick Talbot, CEO of IVSC said: “We are very thankful to our many member organisations and other stakeholders for their input to improve the Standards. This input has ensured IVS 2017 is fit for purpose and that its adoption will boost the transparency of, and confidence in, valuations for the benefit of business and the public.


“IVS 2017 has been designed with the specific aim of allowing continued, targeted improvements to the standards from the new expanded Standards Board we are putting in place.”




National Assembly approved the law

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia approved the law at the meeting held on 28.12.2016.

New Year Break


We inform you that you can expect a somewhat slower response to your queries until 9.01.2016.

First ISO 17024 Certification

We are pleased to announce that at the end of December 2016.  the first NAVS members have completed the procedure and have received ISO 17024 certification as Valuer of Machine,Plant and Equipment.