How to become an ASA Valuer of capital?


Brochure iiBV 101 and 102


Brochure iiBV 103 and 105


Apllication form


We address you with an invitation to sign up to attend the educational program “iiBV – Business Valuation courses” organized by the National Association of Valuers of Serbia in cooperation with iiBV – International Institute for Business Valuation, leading international professional organization for business valuation. Information and Agenda of courses are in teh attachemnt of this e-mail.

Educational courses iiBV 101, 102, 103 and 105 are  recognized by the American Society of Appraisers – ASA and last  for 8 days. Planned dates of the courses are 08th  October – 15th October 2017. Course will be held  in Belgrade, and lecturers will be prominent experts from US / Canada delegated iiBV.  

Successful completion of these courses forms a part of the requirements for obtaining a globally recognized professional designati – ASA BV.

National standards have been implemented

National standards have been published at Official Gazette.

Link for download are below


First Licence

First Licence belong to our member Mr Zoran Stanić and second also to Mr Goran Pivnicki


Successful Promotion of the book

Promotion of the book “Income Approach to Property Valuation”

The book will be presented by author Andrew Bauman.

Exam dates

Please send your application for exam to


Programme  „Valuation of Machine, Plant and Equipment”  – Exam on Saturday 13.05.2017.


Programme  „Real Estate Valuation“ – Exam on Saturday 20.05.2017.

Programme  „Real Estate Valuation“ – Exam on Saturday 10.06.2017.

NAVS – Excellent organisation of TEGoVA Spring Meeting

During the last weekend, NAVS was the host of Spring TEGoVA Meeting held in Belgrade 20-23. April.

Unusually cold, rainy and gloomy weather for this time of year in Serbia, did not prevent cheerfull NAVS team to be an extraordinary host as usual, in accordance with tradition.

For outstanding organisation, logistics attentiveness and technical support, a special recognition is handed to NAVS at the end of General Assembly by reelected chairman of the Board of Directors, Krzysztof Grzesik, with special gratitude for host team led by our president Danijela Ilić and her associates Boris, Jelena, Maja, Katarina and Nikola.

Beside all the novelty we would like to point out (highlight) the news that Danijela Ilić is reelected as a member of the TEGoVA Board of Directors.

Photos from the Conference 21.04.2017.

“Who would have ever imagined that it would be possible to organise an event attracting 100 delegates and guests representing valuers associations from as many as 26 countries? Much of the credit for this success should go to the host association the National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS) which attended to every organisational detail with perfection.”


TEGoVA – NupsNavs Conference