Novi kurs iiBV: Applying the Captial Asset Pricing Model to Business Valuations (Primena CAPM modela za procenu vrednosti poslovanja)

Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo o kursu koji organizuje iiBV pod nazivom „Applying the Captial Asset Pricing Model to Business Valuations“ (Primena CAPM modela za procenu vrednosti poslovanja), koji predstavlja izuzetno koristan resurs za profesionalce koji žele da unaprede svoje znanje i veštine u proceni vrednosti preduzeća.

Detalji kursa:

Ovaj kurs donosi praktična znanja o primeni modela za procenu kapitalne imovine (CAPM) u poslovnom kontekstu.

Učesnici koji završe kurs dobiće sertifikat.

The iiBV, IVSC, RICS and ASA present: Valuing Financial Instruments Webinar

Toronto, CANADA – The iiBV, in collaboration with the International Valuation Standards Council, (IVSC), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA),  is pleased to present “Valuing Financial Instruments” featuring a global panel of renowned international experts

iiBV’s Ray Moran to Speak at the ASA National Conference (August 25-27, NY)

Toronto, CANADA – The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) is excited to announce that Ray Moran, Chair of the iiBV’s Marketing Committee, will be participating in a panel on A Closer Look at International Valuations during the ASA Advanced Business Valuation and International Conference in New York City from August 25-27, 2019

iiBV Welcomes Carla Nunes, CFA, MBA

Toronto, March 15, 2019 – The International Institute of Business Valuers announces the appointment of Carla Nunes to the Education Committee.

Based in Philadelphia, Carla Nunes is a Managing Director in the Office of Professional Practice with Duff & Phelps, where she provides firm-wide technical guidance on a variety of valuation, financial reporting and tax issues. Prior to this role, Carla was part of the Valuation Advisory Services practice, focusing on the valuation needs of primarily consumer and industrial product firms at Duff & Phelps and its predecessor firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Standard & Poor’s. She has over 22 years of experience providing a variety of valuation, financial analysis, and tax services.

Ugovor o licenci između NUPS i iiBV



Nakon nekoliko godina saradnje na organizovanju međunarodno prepoznatih kurseva za procenu kapitala u Srbiji, na engleskom jeziku, Nacionalno Udruženje Procenitelja Srbije (NUPS) je potpisalo Ugovor o licenci  sa International Institute for Business Valuation (iiBV ) za kurseve za procenu kapitala koji će se održavati u Srbiji, na srpskom jeziku, pri čemu je između iiBV i American Society of Appraisers (ASA) postignut sporazum da kursevi na srpskom jeziku budu akreditovani od strane ASA.

Sporazum između NUPS-a i iiBV predstavlja istorijski momenat u edukaciji svih zainteresovanih procenitelja kapitala u Srbiji jer je do nedavno međunarodno prepoznata edukacija bila uglavnom dostupna zaposlenima u poznatim revizorskim kompanijama, što kroz njihove izvršne  “inhouse” treninge a nešto i kroz iiBV i/ili ASA kurseve. Lakši i povoljniji pristup međunarodno prepoznatoj edukaciji za procenu kapitala, na srpskom jeziku, će omogućiti harmonizaciju prakse u ovoj oblasti i izdizanje kvaliteta procena i među svim proceniteljima koji posluju u svojim manjim kompanijama. Domaći procenitelji kapitala će, uz neophodan uslov vezan za edukaciju, i ispunjavanjem svih ostalih uslova biti u prilici da steknu međunarodno najpoznatiju akreditaciju za procenu kapitala – ASA.

Danijela Ilic, FRICS, REV, Predsednik NUPS-a je prokomentarisala da “ iako već nekoliko godina unazad iiBV održava kurseve za procenu kapitala na engleskom jeziku u NUPS-u, napravljen je veliki iskorak u podršci domaćih procenitelja kapitala tako što im je sada omogućeno praćenje edukacije i na srpskom jeziku. Ugovor o licenci podrazumeva redovno ažuriranje edukativnog materijala od strane iiBV kuratora kurseva koji su prepoznati i kao iskusni procenitelji kapitala i kao eksperti u prenošenju znanja.”

Izveštaj za medije     press release koji je izdao iiBV

The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) Announces Agreement for Accreditation of Courses in Local Languages Accepted by The American Society of Appraisers (ASA).

Toronto, CANADA – The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) is pleased to announce that the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) will recognize and give credit as having fulfilled the education requirements toward ASA accreditation to students who successfully complete iiBV courses delivered in all languages. The iiBV has completed license agreements with  the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers (TAQEEM) and the National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS)  to enable those organizations to deliver iiBV business valuation courses and examinations in Arabic and Serbian respectively, to be accepted by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) as fulfilling the education requirements for accreditation.

Successful IVSC and ANEVAR Conference Addressing “Business Assessment in the Globalization Context”

The IVSC (International Valuation Standards Council) and ANEVAR hosted a world-class meeting of evaluators on September 7 , 2018 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest .

A Recap of the Business Valuation Summit in Bangalore, India

The Business Valuation Summit was held in Bangalore, India January 17, 2018, to discuss the draft regulations for a Registered Valuer Organization (RVO), issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs; and the valuation education and accreditation required to support India’s rapid growth in the global economy. Organized by I-Deals Network and the International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV), with sponsors including International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), Business Valuation Resources, Duff & Phelps and Annveshan, the Summit featured leading experts from India and eight nations in valuation, private equity, venture capital and corporate users.

Interview with Daniel Manațe, President of The National Association of Romanian Authorized Valuers 2016-2017

The International Institute of Business Valuers and International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts Announce a Strategic Alliance

Toronto, CANADA – The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) and International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts (IACVA) announce that IACVA has become a member of iiBV and the iiBV will become a member of IACVA. This is a first step towards the two organizations developing a comprehensive strategic alliance to develop business valuation courses and designations worldwide. iiBV has a program of highly regarded profession business valuation courses that are curated by leading business valuation professionals and offered around the world.