Warsaw General Assembly


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TEGOVA je objavila julsko izdanje European valuer žurnala na engleskom jeziku koji možete pronaći na linku: https://procenitelji.org.rs/biblioteka/tegova-zurnal/ ili na https://tegova.org/journal



Message from the Chairman

Though we are probably heading rapidly toward convergence of national responses to the Coronavirus, we are not there yet, especially as the European Union has extremely limited public health powers. In the meantime TEGoVA can only strongly encourage all our members to strictly follow national decrees on the exact extent and nature of work-related interactions.


TEGoVA Autumn Assembly in Sofia, Ending a 4 Year Cycle in European Valuation Standard Setting

• European Valuation Standards 2020 Approved for Brussels Launch in May 2020

• 1st Edition of European Business Valuation Standards Approved for Warsaw Launch in March 2020


CVSRTA Land and Building Study

Study Material for the Examination in the Discipline of Land and Building

The Centre for Valuation Studies, Research and Training Association, India (CvSRTA) has developed this study material as per syllabus of the valuation examinations for the Class Asset Land and Building for the benefit of valuation profession.



CVSRTA Plant and Machinery Study

Study Material for the Examination in the Discipline of Plant and Machinery

The Centre for Valuation Studies, Research and Training Association, India (CVSRTA) has developed this study material as per syllabus of the valuation examinations for the Class Asset Land and Building for the benefit of valuation profession.


Valuers from Europe, North America and China attend TEGoVA’s Spring Meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia

he beautiful and historic city of Dubrovnik provided the backdrop for an eventful TEGoVA General Assembly hosted by the Croatian Association of Court Expert Witnesses and Valuers (HDSVIP) on 18th May 2019. The Assembly was attended by 90 delegates representing 45 valuer associations from 24 countries including Canada.


TEGoVA generalna skupština u Atini: Usvojena odluka o pripremi evropskih standarda za procenu kapitala

Na inicijativu udruženja-članica TEGoVA-e koje među svojim članstvom imaju i procenitelje kapitala ali i zbog sve većeg interesovanja procenitelja nepokretnosti koji žele da diversifikuju svoje usluge na tržištu, upravnom odboru TEGoVA predložena je priprema evropskih standarda za procenu kapitala. UO TEGoVA je odobrio ovu inicijativu i stavio na glasanje na generalnoj skupštini u Atini. Inicijativa je odobrena i od strane generalne skupštine i time je TEGoVA napravila istorijski iskorak jer je do sada bila prepoznata kao organizacija koja okuplja najbolje eksperte iz oblasti procene nepokretnosti, izdaje evropske standarde za procenu nepokretnosti i profesionalne oznake REV, REVC i TRV.

TEGoVA će u najkraćem roku sastaviti komisiju od vrhunskih eksperata iz redova svojih članova i početi sa pripremom evropskih standarda za procenu kapitala. Ovi standardi će pre svega biti prilagođeni potrebama procenitelja nepokretnosti koji takođe rade i procene kapitala.

U budućnosti, TEGoVA će se baviti analizom neophodnih a nedostajućih znanja i veština kod procenitelja nepokretnosti koji se žele razvijati u oblasti procene kapitala.  TEGoVA će podržati obrazovne inicijative usmerene ka pružanju takvih programa.



European Valuation Conference “Statistical Methods of Property Valuation – Are They Legal”

27 February, Radison Blu Centrum Hotel, Warsaw

The exclusive use of statistical methods of valuation, including Automated Valuation Models (AVM), in the process of mortgage loan initiation and in the event of aa subsequent valuation review is contrary to European (and therefore Polish) law. Top speakers from Poland and abroad will explain why this is so and to what extent statistics and AVMs may be used in property valuation and market analysis.




On 28 October 2017 in Marseille, the TEGoVA General Assembly, by near-unanimity, approved the attached European Valuation Standard EVS 6 „Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)“ and European Valuation Guidance Note EVGN 11 „The Valuer’s Use of Statistical Tools“ and rendered them immediately operational. They are now an integral part of European Valuation Standards and are to be complied with by all members of TEGoVA’s 71 member associations including all REVs and TRVs.
