European Valuation Conference “Statistical Methods of Property Valuation – Are They Legal”

27 February, Radison Blu Centrum Hotel, Warsaw

The exclusive use of statistical methods of valuation, including Automated Valuation Models (AVM), in the process of mortgage loan initiation and in the event of aa subsequent valuation review is contrary to European (and therefore Polish) law. Top speakers from Poland and abroad will explain why this is so and to what extent statistics and AVMs may be used in property valuation and market analysis.



On 28 October 2017 in Marseille, the TEGoVA General Assembly, by near-unanimity, approved the attached European Valuation Standard EVS 6 „Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)“ and European Valuation Guidance Note EVGN 11 „The Valuer’s Use of Statistical Tools“ and rendered them immediately operational. They are now an integral part of European Valuation Standards and are to be complied with by all members of TEGoVA’s 71 member associations including all REVs and TRVs.

TEGoVA General Assembly Endorses New European Valuation Standard (EVS 6) on Automated Valuation Models.

95 delegates representing 52 valuers’ associations from 29 countries attended the Autumn meeting of TEGoVA in Marseille on 27-28 October. The meeting was hosted by Chambre des Experts Immobiliers de France (CEIF-FNAIM)

REVASE: Resources for European Valuation Standards in Europe

the project will provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of the application of European Valuation Standards which will improve their skills and competence.

The Accuracy of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)

A report for TEGoVA by Professor George Matysiak

At a time when the valuation profession is urging the European Commission to investigate a Dutch decree allowing AVMs to be used without any valuer involvement for first-time valuations of homes serving as mortgage collateral, the Matysiak report is especially relevant, because it serves to highlight a contrario just how uniquely dangerous such practice is.

NAVS offer warm welcome to valuers from Europe and beyond

Who would have ever imagined that it would be possible to organise an event attracting 100 delegates and guests representing valuers associations from as many as 26 countries? Much of the credit for this success should go to the host association the National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS) which attended to every organisational detail with perfection.

Istorijski sporazum

Appraisal Institute (USA) i TEGoVA potpisali međusobni sporazum o prepoznavanju.


Appraisal Institute of Canada i TEGoVA potpisali međusobni sporazum o priznavanju

EVS 2016 Objava

European Valuation Standards 2016 ojavljeni u Briselu