Program kontinuirane edukacije do 31.12.2017.







NAPOMENA: Na istaknute cene se obračunava pdv od 20%

Objavljen prevod IVS 2017

Iz štampe je izašao prevod najnovijih IVS 2017 međunarodnih standarda za procenu vrednosti. Knjigu možete poručiti na

Cena je 100 eur za članove a 130 eur za ostale zainteresovane. Knjiga se preuzima u sekretarijatu NUPSa.

Na iskazanu cenu se obračunava pdv.

Former IFAC Board Member joins IVSC as Trustee

IVSC is pleased to announce the appointment of Ana Maria Elorrieta to its Board of Trustees.

Ms Elorrieta has over 35 years’ experience in accountancy having been a Partner at PwC in Brazil and was head of Risk and Quality in South America for the firm from 2003 to 2010 and in Brazil from 1997 to 2012. She has also served on the Board of IFAC and the IAASB, acted in different capacities for the Brazil Federal Accounting Council and was Chair of the Brazilian Institute of Independent Accountants.

The International Institute of Business Valuers and International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts Announce a Strategic Alliance

Toronto, CANADA – The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) and International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts (IACVA) announce that IACVA has become a member of iiBV and the iiBV will become a member of IACVA. This is a first step towards the two organizations developing a comprehensive strategic alliance to develop business valuation courses and designations worldwide. iiBV has a program of highly regarded profession business valuation courses that are curated by leading business valuation professionals and offered around the world.

REVASE: Resources for European Valuation Standards in Europe

the project will provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of the application of European Valuation Standards which will improve their skills and competence.

Putanja za uvid podataka NBS i RGZ

Postupak prilikom uvida u bazu procena Narodne banke Srbije






Uvid u podatke RGZ

NEW COURSE SERIES Now Available Through NAVS for October 2017

The iiBV is excited to announce an upcoming series of business valuation courses that will be hosted in Belgrade, Serbia by our esteemed members, The National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS).

View the links below for the course delivery dates and details:
iiBV 101 & iiBV 102 – October 8 – 15, 2017
iiBV 103 & iiBV 105 – October 8 – 15, 2017

Information on these courses is available below:

iiBV 101 – Principles of Business Valuation
iiBV102 – Income Approach and the International Cost of Capital
iiBV 103 – Business Valuation Comprehensive Case Study
iiBV 105 – Valuation of Intangible Assets

The Accuracy of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)

A report for TEGoVA by Professor George Matysiak

At a time when the valuation profession is urging the European Commission to investigate a Dutch decree allowing AVMs to be used without any valuer involvement for first-time valuations of homes serving as mortgage collateral, the Matysiak report is especially relevant, because it serves to highlight a contrario just how uniquely dangerous such practice is.

Zbirka propisa: Nacionalni standardi, Etički kodeks, Zakon o proceniteljima i druga regulativa

NUPS i INGPRO su priredili i objedinili na jednom mestu PRAVILNIK o Nacionalnim standardima, kodeksu etike i pravilima profesionalnog ponašanja licenciranog procenitelja, ZAKON o proceniteljima vrednosti nepokretnosti kao i druga prateća akta i pravilnike.

Cena je 2.000,00 rsd a knjiga se preuzima u sekretarijatu NUPSa. Na iskazanu cenu se obračunava pdv.