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Skorašnji članci
- Tegova bilten – mart 2025.
- ONLINE održavanje NUPS Seminara 19. marta: Budućnost procena nepokretnosti i uticaj E(SG) kriterijuma na vrednost – Filip Leskaroski – 3 CPD boda
- Prolećni termini REV i REV-BV intervjua
- Neradni dani zbog državnog praznika Dana državnosti Srbije – Sretenje (15 – 17. februar 2025.)
- 2 NOVA Webinara u okviru programa CPD edukacije NUPS-a
Izdvojeni linkovi
Grčića Milenka 39 (ulaz iz Gospodara Vučića), II / III sprat
11000 Beograd, Srbija
Tel: +381 11 24 22 961
Radno vreme
Ponedeljak – Petak
od 09h – 15h
Kathleen Casey Appointed Chair of the U.S. Financial Accounting Foundation
IVSC Trustee, Kathleen Casey, has been appointed the new Chair of the U.S. Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), the body responsible for the oversight, administration, financing, and appointment of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
Information Value of the Current Impairment Test: Leading or Lagging Indicator?
The IVSC has received a number of questions from constituents asking whether the principles underlying business valuations are compatible with the concept of goodwill amortisation. The IVSC Boards have discussed the topic and concluded that the best way to aid public discussion is by publishing a three-part article series to explore the fundamental perspectives with the goal of aiding capital markets by informing financial statement preparers, reviewers, and users.
The iiBV, IVSC, RICS and ASA present: Valuing Financial Instruments Webinar
Toronto, CANADA – The iiBV, in collaboration with the International Valuation Standards Council, (IVSC), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), is pleased to present “Valuing Financial Instruments” featuring a global panel of renowned international experts
TEGoVA Autumn Assembly in Sofia, Ending a 4 Year Cycle in European Valuation Standard Setting
• European Valuation Standards 2020 Approved for Brussels Launch in May 2020
• 1st Edition of European Business Valuation Standards Approved for Warsaw Launch in March 2020
CVSRTA Land and Building Study
Study Material for the Examination in the Discipline of Land and Building
The Centre for Valuation Studies, Research and Training Association, India (CvSRTA) has developed this study material as per syllabus of the valuation examinations for the Class Asset Land and Building for the benefit of valuation profession.
CVSRTA Plant and Machinery Study
Study Material for the Examination in the Discipline of Plant and Machinery
The Centre for Valuation Studies, Research and Training Association, India (CVSRTA) has developed this study material as per syllabus of the valuation examinations for the Class Asset Land and Building for the benefit of valuation profession.
iiBV’s Ray Moran to Speak at the ASA National Conference (August 25-27, NY)
Toronto, CANADA – The International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) is excited to announce that Ray Moran, Chair of the iiBV’s Marketing Committee, will be participating in a panel on A Closer Look at International Valuations during the ASA Advanced Business Valuation and International Conference in New York City from August 25-27, 2019
NUPS u toku pandemije virusa Covid-19
Zbog aktuelnih dešavanja u vezi širenja Korona virusa i proglašenja vanrednog stanja u celoj Republici Srbiji, želimo da vas obavestimo o merama i koracima koje preduzima NUPS.
Kako su nam zdravlje i sigurnost zaposlenih, naših članova i saradnika od najvećeg značaja, preduzimamo sve mere da rizik od infekcije svedemo na minimum, a da istovremeno u potpunosti nastavimo da pružamo naše usluge.
Informišemo Vas da je kancelarija sekretarijata NUPS-a na adresi Grčića Milenka 39 od danas, 17.03.2020. zatvorena i da će svoje aktivnosti sprovoditi radom na daljinu.
Poslovanje će biti nastavljeno bez prekida. Stojimo vam na raspolaganju putem naših email adresa i mobilnih telefona.
Imajući u vidu zdravstvene mere koje su na snazi, želeći da izbegnemo bilo kakav rizik, želimo da Vas obavestimo
da će NUPS 4. Konferencija o proceni nekretnina planirana za 25.4.2020. biti odložena.
Nadamo se da ćemo biti u prilici da Vas obavestimo o novom terminu uskoro.
25 april 2020. subota, 09:30h Hilton Hotel, Kralja Milana 35. Beograd
7 CPD poena
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