Održana promocija prevoda knjige “Income Approach to Property Valuation”“

Autor knjige Andrew Baum je u prisustvu izdavačke kuće Magnus i Danijele Ilić kao stručnog prevodioca prezentovao knjigu i materijal koji ona obrađuje.

Promocija prevoda knjige “Income Approach to Property Valuation”

Dana 15.6.2017. od 17h će se održati promocija prevoda knjige “Income Approach to Property Valuation” autora Endrjua Bauma, Dejvida Mekmina i Nika Naningtona. Knjigu će promovisati autor Endrju Baum (Andrew Baum).

NAVS offer warm welcome to valuers from Europe and beyond

Who would have ever imagined that it would be possible to organise an event attracting 100 delegates and guests representing valuers associations from as many as 26 countries? Much of the credit for this success should go to the host association the National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS) which attended to every organisational detail with perfection.


IVSC’s work to improve standards for the valuation profession

In this article, Steven Sherman, former Chair of IVSC’s Standards Board, discusses the importance of harmonised valuation standards for the global economy, and looks back at IVSC’s review of the standards and the road to IVS 2017.


Član iiBV, NUPS, domaćin prolećnog sastanka TEGoVA

The National Association of Valuers of Serbia (“NAVS”) and President Danjijela Ilić, FRICS REV and President of the Board, Vesna Stefanović, REV, ASA, hosted the members of The European Group of Valuers’ Association (“TEGoVA”) in Serbia April 20 to 23, 2017


iiBV joins IVSC and Launches First Ever International Business Valuations Standards Course

The course will be offered immediately in an in-class format and will be available online as a self-study course.


Ispitni Termini

Molimo sve zainteresovane koji su ispunili uslov izlaska na ispit da se prijave na ispit slanjem emaila na office@procenitelji.org.rs sa naznakom za koji termin se prijavljuju,


Program „Procena vrednosti mašina i opreme“  –  Ispitni termin Subota 13.05.2017.


Program „Procena vrednosti nepokretnosri“  –  Ispitni termin Subota 20.05.2017.

Program „Procena vrednosti nepokretnosri“  –  Ispitni termin Subota 10.06.2017.

NUPS-Fantasticna organizacija TEGoVA Meeting-a

NUPS je bio domaćin Spring TEGoVA Meeting 2017 u trajanju od 4 dana 20-23 April 2017.

U neuobičajeno hladnom, kišno/snežnom vremenu bili smo uobičajeno izvrsni i pravi domćini u skladu s tradicijom.

Za izuzetnost u organizaciji, logistici predusretljivosti, tehničkoj opremljenosti NUPS je dobio posebno priznanje koje je na Generalnoj skupštini uručio reizabrani predsednik Krzysztof Grzesik, i imenovao sve članove tima domaćina koje je predvodila Danijela Ilić sa saradnicima Borisom, Jelenom, Majom, Katarinom i Nikolom.

Pored mnoštva novosti izdvajamo da je Danijela Ilić reizabrana i da je dobila novi mandat u upravnom odboru TEGoVA.

Fotografije sa Konferencije 21.04.2017.

Na TEGoVA web sajtu uz komentar događaja organizovanog u Beogradu stoji:

„Who would have ever imagined that it would be possible to organise an event attracting 100 delegates and guests representing valuers associations from as many as 26 countries? Much of the credit for this success should go to the host association the National Association of Valuers of Serbia (NAVS) which attended to every organisational detail with perfection.“
